Hello... Friends, Today we are going to discus about the exceptions Handling in the python. If we talk about Exception that what is Exception ? then i would like to clear that exceptions are the error conditions which stops the normal flow of program. So how we can Handle it ?
if we have some suspicious code that raise an exception, so we can defined our program in a exception handling try & except block
here in this image we can see if we divide 0/0 then it through ZeroDivisionError or intiger division or modulo by zero . So how we can handle it let's see
well we can handle this exception clearly & now if i want to clear more then let's see what are the next
So here we can see all about exception handling in python
Exercise :
1. Study self about "im" method in exception handling. Explore it what happens when we have other exception then zero division error.
if we have some suspicious code that raise an exception, so we can defined our program in a exception handling try & except block
here in this image we can see if we divide 0/0 then it through ZeroDivisionError or intiger division or modulo by zero . So how we can handle it let's see
well we can handle this exception clearly & now if i want to clear more then let's see what are the next
So here we can see all about exception handling in python
Exercise :
1. Study self about "im" method in exception handling. Explore it what happens when we have other exception then zero division error.